Accommodation and Tenancy services provided by Alfa Home Care Services encompass the assistance required to overcome challenges effecting current tenancy or assistance in seeking new alternative accommodation.

Our employees are highly skilled and capable of providing dependable, inventive, and flexible support tailored to individual needs and goals. We understand that caring for a disabled person can be challenging at times. We understand that sometimes a break is all that is required. Allow us to shoulder some of your responsibilities while you relax. Participants can reap the benefits of advanced care by receiving individualised assistance in fulfilling their particular tenancy and housing goals. This assistance may include overcoming obstacles that have an impact on their residence or investigating and securing alternative accommodation.

Our service assesses needs and offers solutions. We help by offering practical one-on-one assistance and capacity-building assistance.

Our services may include the following:

  • Assistance with rental applications
  • Redefining or developing housing goals
  • Working with real estate agents or owners to identify challenges to keeping at-risk tenancies.
  • Implementing strategies to maintain current tenancy
  • Dealing with utility providers to access available grants
  • Exploring alternative housing
  • Dealing with utility providers to access available grants
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